


About Hochschuljobbörse

Hochschuljobbörse is the career platform especially for young academics. It offers jobs ranging from student jobs, working student jobs, internships and international "study and work" opportunities to positions for graduates. In addition, the university job exchange supports start-ups, lists recruiting events and offers companies the opportunity to position themselves among students through company profiles as part of employer branding. In addition, the university job exchange organizes practice days throughout Bavaria. The university job exchange originated at the Faculty of Computer Science at the TH Nuremberg, is based at the Institute for Applied Computer Science at the TH Nuremberg and has been further developed since 2003 in collaboration with the career services of what are now 19 universities.

 Partner universities Grafik

19 Partner universities

approx. <0>110.000</0> 
 students Grafik

approx. 110.000 students

 Job advertisements per year Grafik

51.000 Job advertisements per year

Our sponsors

Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst - Logo
vbw Die bayerische Wirtschaft - Logo
Projekt Study Work International Visual

Study & Work International Project

The Study & Work International project was developed jointly by hochschule dual and Hochschuljobbörse in 2018/19. It was funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts and The Bavarian Business Association (vbw—Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V.) with the aim of increasing the international mobility of Bavarian students. A lot of helpful information on internships abroad and individual countries has been compiled for this purpose. The number of internships abroad has also increased significantly: During the funding period, more than 1,000 internships have been offered in 67 different countries. The sole project responsibility and continuation of the project were transferred to Hochschuljobbörse in 2019.

Before Praxistage became a cooperative project of all Career Services of our partner universities in collaboration with Hochschuljobbörse, the Career Service of TH Nürnberg was responsible for the conception and implementation of Praxistage. The work experience days give students the opportunity to get a taste of how various companies work for a day, so that they can gain valuable insights, make contacts and directly learn about possible future jobs or internships. After just a few years and with the participation of almost all Bavarian universities, this project was so successful that the existing information channels such an online browsing-catalogue were no longer adequate. And this is how our web-based platform was developed by Hochschuljobbörse and came into being. From 2022 onwards, Praxistage will be organised jointly by the Career Services of our partner universities and Hochschuljobbörse. Companies who are interested should contact praxistage@th-nuernberg.de.